Shall We Play a Game?

Welcome! We’re doing a MOOC. A Games MOOC. To be more specific, we’re doing a Games-Based Learning MOOC.

A MOOC is a Massive Online Open Course designed based on the learning theory of connectivism. Since 2008, there have been a series of these free open online courses offered. This course is informed by their design and implementation.

This is an open course for all educators. The model for the course design is based on social network knowledge construction. Participating instructors will be able to be active in the course in several ways from lurking (reading the discussions) to actively creating content in the course with the project design team. It is expected that each participant’s level of activity will vary each week of the course based on the individual’s interest in the weekly topics.

The Games-based Learning MOOC begins on July 9, 2012 and will run for 5 weeks with an optional proposal/project week in mid-September. Below is the outline for the course.

Week 1 Introduction to Games-Based Learning
Week 2 Gamification
Week 3 Epistemic Games
Week 4 Overview of Commercial Off-the-Shelf Games (COTS)
Week 5 Introduction to Alternate Reality Games (ARG)

Please email for more information.

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